Monday, June 16, 2008

Hey all you ex boyfriends

 Where are you all today?
How did your lives go? 
What about you Morty from Canada who I knew at eighteen? Who did you marry, or maybe not marry, were you successful in life,  in business? I chose another man at that time who I later divorced. My mom wanted you for me; maybe she was right.  How would I have turned out? What would my children have looked like? Would I  have lived in Canada rather than the states?  How did you age? So cute you were, are you still good to look at?  Did you take care of yourself?  Are you still living now at seventy plus?  Did you continue to be the gentleman you were or did life harden you?  The most mind boggling  of all is that I would have had different children or maybe none, depending on you and if you were able to give me a child.  Would I have been rich? Wow, aren't these the thoughts, ones I have never addressed until this evening... Carol Sue

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