Saturday, March 5, 2011

Once a Mom always a Mom

My daughter 50 years old plus, who lives in Switzerland, went for a routine colonoscopy. I have had two myself and know it is an easy procedure. However, at the end of the day I called my daughter to see how it went. SHE DID NOT ANSWER THE PHONE. I figured she was still asleep. With the time change, I knew when I woke up there would be an e mail from her. BUT THERE WASN'T!

I called her apartment again this next morning. NO ANSWER.. Panic was slowly setting in! Something happened for sure! Her husband doesn't want to call that something went wrong! I called her cell phone. NO ANSWER.. OMG, any minute my son will be at my front door breaking the bad news...I could do nothing but wait.

About half hour later as I was painfully looking for my son-in-laws cell phone number, my phone rang.

"Hi Mom, did you just call?" "Oh yes, I did, I said as casually with as much composure as possible; ' was just wondering how things went." "Oh fine mom, I am now at the top of the mountain skiing; it is gorgeous up here, and we are having so much fun and my colon is perfect." Sorry I didn't call.

As I revived myself I rushed her off of the phone and lied down on my bed to recover.

Carol Sue Gershman