Monday, June 16, 2008

Attached to our children

No matter how old our children are or how old we become, some parents remain involved and completely attached to their kids.  Most of us let them go, but others want to keep control not able to face the void.  Why are parents so frightened to let go? I imagine because they can not face life or branch out in other directions; but mostly need the control.  Some parents feel that their kids need and want them to run the show. They think their kids will not make it without them. Bullshit. It is those parents who  can not make it without their kids.  As I get older I see parents who cannot let go of the reigns. I find them to be, in lack of  another word, annoying. I wish they would find another life. I am talking about adult married children, not young ones or teenagers.
I am caring and involved with my kids but they have their complete lives and I have mine. Thank God.... Carol sue Gershman

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