Saturday, May 23, 2009

How good she made me feel

Did you ever get a bad haircut that made you feel terrible? Of course you did, who ever escaped one? Well it was my turn today; much my fault as I requested short fringe bangs (like in the 50's)
Well they came out short, so short, that to me I looked idiotic..Bet you can picture what I mean.
A lady in the beauty parlor overheard my cries and popped up and said, "They are cute, you look great, as a matter of fact you look like Gweneth Pal trow.
"Oh really, I said, how nice of you to give me such a compliment."
A total stranger was kind enough to made me feel good about myself. How many times could I have done the same, but simply did not bother.
It is so important to pass on positive thoughts rather than think them. One never knows how down in the dumps the other person might feel.
Carol Sue Gershman
Ms Pal trow

The Blouse

The lovely Peruvian lady wore a white crisp peasant blouse. It had embroidery down the front and large puffed sleeves. I said , "oh, how pretty, is it from Peru?' She said, "no, it is European," which still sounded exotic to me.. I said "Oh really, where did you buy it?" Her response:
(it is all who wears it)
Carol Sue Gershman

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The insecurity in women

A friend, let us call her Jane, went on a cruise and met a delightful man. They ended up holding hands, kissing and then the big bang into one of the bunk beds. yummy. A loving find on the high seas.
Jane came home on a high! What a trip! Imagine booking a trip, expecting to read a ton of books and ending up enchanted by a delightful new man.
Yes, this is how life is supposed to work, yet it takes a special two to connect and make it happen.
Well Jane was hardly unpacked when the e-mail came, he thanking her for a great time and stating it remains to be seen if we ever meet again (they living far apart in the states) and signing, keep in touch. Jane was devastated by his seemingly cold welcome home. She felt that he felt it was simply a shipboard romance and now good-bye to her.
My advice was to pay no attention and to pursue.
So she sent him a flirtatious note planning a rendezvous, when the second bomb shell landed.
One of the other shipmates saw him walking arm in arm with another woman at the last port stop; she for friendship sake sent my Jane an e-mail spelling out how surprised she and her husband were to see her lover with another woman, seeming intimate. After all she said, "I thought you both were a great couple." P. S. The other woman was part" of their table at sea so all knew one another. Jane was heartbroken...How could I have meant so little she thought?
So who was the culprit?

And then; In response to her flirtatious note, sent prior, came a response from the lover.
Completely delighted to hear from her, and apologizing for his aloof note to her. He stated that he was not expecting Jane to continue with him, thinking it was strictly a adventure for her on the high seas, and apparently wanting to be the one to take the first out.
So you see how egos get in the way of what ones really feels;and why men and women have such a tough time getting it together? When will we ever learn to follow our hearts?
Carol Sue Gershman

Monday, May 11, 2009

The uncomplicated life

There is no question, I have complicated my life; oh too many times to talk about here.
But what I would like to talk about is an uncomplicated life. How to keep things simple and easy and make the simplest task interesting. Here is what I am trying to say.
It was Saturday night and you know how we are programmed, a date, a party, sex, a play, movie, dinner, friends over and the list goes on.
Well here is how I spent last Saturday night.
I had laundry to do and no washing machine in sight at the small hotel I now call home. I learned that the closest Laundromat was about 2 miles away.
So I made plans with me to go on a date to the Laundromat.
I placed my laundry in a bag on wheels, waited for the sun to go down, put on my sneakers and took the two mile hike dragging my laundry along the boardwalk and on to the avenues. The temperature was perfect, a balmy breeze pushing me along. I stopped in a little market for a bottle of ice cold water. Rather than fumbling inside of my bag for change I asked if I could charge the water on the credit card I had around my neck placed in a little case.The teller told me the minimum was five dollars. A good sole overheard the conversation and while I was struggling to look for the change, and without me seeing him do it, he paid for my water. He drove quickly away before I could thank him. How kind he was and how sorry he must have felt for this poor over heated woman with laundry and messed up hair.
I passed sidewalk cafes, people out on Saturday night. I treated myself to a smoothie, each sip delicious. I stopped in little shops and finally arrived at the huge busy Laundromat. People carried in over sized bundles of laundry, doing the same thing I was doing on their Sat. night. Their kids ran wild having to hang out with their parents, and their dirty laundry. My clothes got washed and dried and the time flew by. Ahhh, clean sweet smelling clothes of mine! A great feeling! I had left at six and it was close to nine. I took the free bus back, seniors do not pay in Miami and went back to my simplified hotel room so exhausted that I went straight to sleep. Simple night, a good healthy walk, thirst quenching water, fruit smoothie , clean laundry to wear and a roaring sleep. Life at its best!
Carol Sue Gershman

Friday, May 8, 2009

Do you have a TRUE LIFE STORIE

Do you have a true life story that you would like to tell me about? I would love to hear a few paragraphs.
Please send it to me
I will publish it on to my blog

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The broken bone family

How can everything happen in a family all at once? Well it did.

Within a month:
My daughter sprained her shoulder
My daughter in law broke her wrist
My son had knee surgery
My ex husband needs back surgery
I broke my elbow

We are lucky! What if all of the above happened to just one of us?
Carol Sue Gershman is yours?

Has my luck run out?
As you know I have gone through surgery on my elbow after a terrible fall by slipping heals out on a Clorox floor. No, I cannot blame Clorox. I can only blame myself for not wiping it up.
So now I am three weeks post surgery and found this uncomfortable bump on my elbow. I have found out today that one of the wires inserted has pushed out, has not held, and in order to fix it I have to go back for another surgery. Is this all too much? Not only that, they can not do the surgery till my arm heals which could be up to six months. And what about if this wire decides to push out from the inside to the outside? Now did you ever hear of anything like this one?
Here I was one healthy exuberant lady ready to venture out on another one year travel adventure but decided to get a spot off of the floor with some Clorox and my entire life has shifted. Will my arm heal properly. Will It ever be what it was or for that matter who I was?
Once I venture into something it usually turns out well, but I must admit this is not too lucky.
Carol Sue Gershman

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How I got out of a slump

From my slump dogs, I dressed and went out for a Tasti Delight ice cream with hot fudge on top. Delicious.

The trouble with sweets and or chocolate is that it makes me crave more; After scraping the cup, I simply had to have more fudge. While Tasti Delight fudge is wonderful, Giardelli ice cream shop down the street is the real thing. I hesitated and decided the heck with it, after all I have been suffering so! I went inside refusing the offer of the free candy samples they humbly give out, and rushed to the the back counter asking, "Do you sell hot fudge separately in a cup?" ' " Yes, he said, we do." (I thought I was the only one who dared such a treat)
He said it would be $1.09 with the tax; a cheap thrill I thought; never imagining how many of us crave the same thing. I ordered.

Oh how yum yum could anything be, my own cup of hot fudge!. I practically skipped home, my craving over and no need for anything more from my evening out.
You see from my slump, I dressed with high heels, put on makeup, a cute new hat, had a treat and that is all it took. Simple! Could I really be just that simple?

Once home, my computer also brought me joy. A well wish from a love and a great opportunity to rent a awesome apt. in n. y. c.

Suddenly I loved all of my friends again and grateful to them for listening to how great I felt after being in such a slump.

My mom always told me, "It always gets better" How it happens I do not know but it does.

Carol Sue Gershman (Please see below)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Where do we go from here?

I am feeling lonely! How about you?

I am healing well from my fall and elbow operation and have now become more and more in love with my precious elbow. You see it it was not for it, I would have landed on my head , and if it had cracked as my elbow did; well you have got the picture. I have spent weeks in pain and lots of sleep, but now I have awakened. Having slowed my life down to a snail, I can see it clearly.

My book is selling slowly! If I am not out there promoting it, nobody buys it. That is how it goes. Those who have read it, love it, feel inspired, find it powerful (I like that word) but no matter what I am an unknown author and not on any best seller lists as mine is self published. Are you hearing my frustration? I know my book is for women and a few good men, it is well written, interesting, etc. yet sales are slow with no big T V or movie requests YET.

My love affairs are over for now with no one new in site, unless if I wanted one of the new pursuers, the ones I have not met who do not seem all that interesting. I am lacking friends and annoyed by many of them. I am beginning to outgrow some of my dearest as the conversations and jokes are getting stale. Do you consider me a brat yet?

Excitement lies within I know, but where is mine. o. k. I am going out and making some tonight. will write more tomorrow.

Carol Sue Gershman