Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oh how I loved this decade and now on to the new!

How was your decade? I hope it was enjoyed in good health and with lots of new adventures. I was 65 when our century turned, my life was good but empty; nothing was wrong but nothing was right. I felt lonely lacking friends and some outs with family. I believe it began all over again when my son gave me a gift of dating on line. Soon love began to storm into my life and in the age of retirement my life became more and more exciting crossing boundaries never crossed before. I wrote a book for the first time in my life; written out of passion. In order to promote the book I had to learn to speak, so I went to Toastmasters and had an over the top book launch entertaining 100 guest. I became my own agent and booked myself across the country into Barnes and Noble, Borders etc.driving 9000 miles driving alone in my mustang. It has been two years since the book was launched and I am still busy promoting giving lectures on Living agelessly, Living passionately. Of course I was disappointed that it was not a best seller. After all my ego thought it would be. Nor did it become the major motion picture with stars clamoring for the lead; at least not yet. However, it led me to meeting new people including having Alec Baldwins arms around me in the Hampton's, newspaper articles lots of books sold and "Author" as part of my resume. I left Miami beach my home for 18 years and moved back to NYC becoming closer to my family. We still all live on opposite sides of the universe, but NYC seems more central and I get to see much more of them. There were two major trips for me this decade, 2 months in Africa and 2 months in India backpacking both times while learning and having fun. There were cruises and short trips here and there. And then there were the falls, the broken bones leaving me incapacitated for months, reminding me that I was a major Klutz or just simply getting older. But when the last segment of bone healed I picked myself up, like it never happened, and went on to the next adventure.
At 75, I am happily single, I am in love with my life and my family and NYC. More love will come and more friends will come as this is what is already happening, love storming in again.
What I want from now on is simple:
Good health and to have a good time and the same for my family.
The point of me telling you this is that, "yes, I am older but that does not mean I have to be old. Going to Doctors has not become my new social life as I see in many contemporaries. I do all I can to help nature by following the rules to good health and taking it seriously.
Presently, I am writing a new book, this time for children. It is taking me a bit longer to write this time, but does it matter? I am speaking to women's groups on living agelessly and living passionately and am booked in several places next year.
The second point of me telling you this, is life holds so much for each and every one of us. What we choose to do with it is in our heads and how we feel about our own selves.
If you do feel lonely or lusterless, lacking adventure, at no matter what age, go out and MAKE A STORY. People like to listen to good stories and when it all comes down to it, that is who we are, a story to be told.
carol sue gershman

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Xmas lunch invite to my family laughed my head off writing it.

We are going to meet the FOCKING LITTLE FOCKERS on Xmas day.
First, We will have a FOCKING roasted Duckling FOCKING lunch at 1:30
We will leave my FOCKING apartment at 4:15 so those FOCKING LITTLE FOCKERS don"t start with out us.

Afterwards we will come back here for a FOCKING FOCKER Dessert filled with FOCKING calories
See you at the FOCKING Copley in my FOCKING apartment
Carol FOCKING sue
P. S. Foxes, drive your FO

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A good salesman is a good person and salesman

Went to buy a mattress early this morning. The store was barely open when I met an employee in the entrance way.
I said, "Let me in, I want to buy a mattress." P. S. After 23 years I could not wait another hour.
He was a nice guy and I told him to go take off his hat and coat and show me mattresses. He laughed and politely told me to wait upstairs.
As I reached the second floor a woman salesperson approached me. I told her I was waiting for someone to help me. She said," He thinks he will wait on you but I get the first customer of the day." "Oh, I said; "O. K."
She asked me a lot of annoying questions but I was stuck with her. She led me from one mattress to another and there I was lying down all over the store.
Then came the first salesman but she told him, "sorry I am waiting on this customer." He shyly walked away.
Then she said, "he was out of order."
I said, "I thought he was nice."
'I am sorry and I apologize for his behavior, he had no right to this sale.'
"I did not think he showed bad behavior; I liked him, in fact I would like him to take over THIS sale." P. S. I held my breath not to tell her she was the one showing bad behavior.
She had no choice to go and get him and yup he made the sale and I have a new pillow top mattress coming Thursday.
Moral: Do not tattle to a customer about a fellow employee.
Don't try to steal a customer.
What you think? Do you like a pillow top mattress?
Carol Sue Gershman

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Runaway Jewish Ladies from Katz's Delicatessen/nyc

Walked into Katz's (a rare treat) with my friend. We were handed 2 pink slips, one for her and one for me. The doorman said, '"Bring them back when you leave.'
We indulged in pea soup, hot pastrami, pickles, happy to taste the good food, enjoying our treat.
The waiter wrote the bill on one of the pink slips. We went to the register and paid.
The doorman said, "I am missing a pink slip." I responded, I am sorry, I don't have it, somehow it got lost, but we did pay."
"I am sorry, he said, you cannot leave without giving me the other pink slip."
I said, "What are you talking about as I tried to exit." If you touch me I will consider it an assault and will call the police; go find your pink ticket."
You listen to me, It is no longer on the table, I do not have it and you are making us late for the movie."
"No ticket, no exit."
"Call the manager, I said."
We waited patiently and angrily, standing in our fur coats and hats, for her to wobble over, taking her time as our clock was ticking to make the film, we were pressed for time.
"Sorry ladies, you need your ticket, where were you sitting, who was your waiter?"
Exasperated, I replied it is no longer Is on the table or in our possession."
"Stand here and I will try to find it, as she wobbled away from us."
"We are going to miss our movie."
As the blocking doorman leaned over to talk to someone, I saw our exit. I grabbed my friend and said, "RUN."
There we were escaping down Houston Street, running down the street, looking over our shoulder to see if we were being captured, huffing and puffing, dashing into the subway and on to the train, leaving no trail behind and just in time for the movie.

Carol Sue Gershman