Thursday, June 12, 2008

Have you tried a fast?

Have you  tried a fast? I made up my own...   A ton of carb's in the morning. The first day I had two baked potatoes, the second, a loaf of bread and the third,  whole wheat pancakes. No syrup, plain. Then I had fruit all day long, no bananas, mostly melon, papaya and sneaked in some pineapple , not good as it has too much sugar. So far I have lost about two pounds but it is my mind that I would like to mention. I am clear and peaceful. It is great to clean out your body. I realize I went another route filling up on carbs, but fruit and bread worked for me. I would like to mention it has to be good bread, whole wheat, preferably from the health food store. Any fast is good, and the longer we can stay on it, the thinner, the clearer and the less tired you will feel. It is all that food that clogs our systems.  When we can clear us out, we emerge differently. It is truly amazing. There are many fasts, all water and tea is the best; all fruit juices, I have heard of a yogurt and bread fast. My speech is slower and I feel marvelous with lots of patience. Soon I will have to begin to eat, but I hope not too much. This is a great euphoric feeling. Carol Sue Gershman

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