Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hard up for a tenant to rent

Times have changed. I have a wonderful studio, faces front with trees to look at. I have owned it for sixteen years. I goofed up. I forgot to bring my divine tenant her new lease and in the interim she got wind of another apartment and there she went. Had I brought her the lease she would have been stuck. So I advertised and showed and offered and compensated but nobody rented it. Along came a charming gentleman filled with enthusiasm who said, " I will take it." There is only one problem, he does not have any money, but  swears he will get it.... He will come up with the first months rent to move in and then will pay the security out during the month he is living there. Then he will work  hard to meet the rent for the next month. He is motivated and is motivating me to give him  a chance. He will work two jobs, wash dishes just to have the space. So what to do? He said he will paint it at his own expense. That alone is worth $600. There is absolutely no one else.  So would you take him or would you leave it empty until someone else comes along missing out on this months rent? I made my decision but would like to hear from you. Carol Sue Gershman

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Our lives can sometimes be dull; not particularly boring, simply dull. I live in a beautiful apartment and am blessed. There is a swimming pool and tennis court right out my door. But what has happened? I am spending too much time at home.  I have become reclusive,  going out only when  I have to.  So little old me at 72 has become dull living in paradise.  I am waiting for my book  to be re edited and to start marketing it,  but in the meantime I have given up other things that I like to do such as traveling.  I am grateful for little errands, the bank, food shopping, the shoe maker but find I can not wait to get back to Dullsville.  Yes, I occasionally go out to dinner or to a movie even a cocktail party, but for the most part, I am focused on staying home in glorious Dullsville. I think I would be more alive on  a street with passersbys such as New York City, but then again maybe it is simply me who is dull and I would still prefer to stay home. ho hum. Carol Sue Gershman

I Hired a Publicist

About to launch my new book. I am on my way to Aspen so advertised my apartment for someone to take care of my plants and pay a soft amount of rent while I am gone. . Along came a lovely girl who wanted  a short vacation only to find out she does publicity and could greatly help me with my book.  Her upbeat personality and expertise told me that she had flown through my door like an angel to help me with all that I do not know about marketing and all it takes to sell a million copies. How nice. What are the hardships that I face?   To begin with blogging and getting on all the blogging sites;  there are dozens to register, then comes the  uploading of  photos and remembering passwords.  Anyway I have given her my apartment  as a form of barter to cover some of her fee. She will teach me how to reach people, turn them on, write press releases, get me on mailing lists, radio, television, magazines, become a speaker. What could be better? How lucky am I... I am excited and will keep you posted along the way. Soon you will be linked to Amazon and B@N and will get to know the Black Man the Jewish Lady and their Road trip... Yippee....Carol Sue Gershman

Monday, June 16, 2008

Attached to our children

No matter how old our children are or how old we become, some parents remain involved and completely attached to their kids.  Most of us let them go, but others want to keep control not able to face the void.  Why are parents so frightened to let go? I imagine because they can not face life or branch out in other directions; but mostly need the control.  Some parents feel that their kids need and want them to run the show. They think their kids will not make it without them. Bullshit. It is those parents who  can not make it without their kids.  As I get older I see parents who cannot let go of the reigns. I find them to be, in lack of  another word, annoying. I wish they would find another life. I am talking about adult married children, not young ones or teenagers.
I am caring and involved with my kids but they have their complete lives and I have mine. Thank God.... Carol sue Gershman

Hey all you ex boyfriends

 Where are you all today?
How did your lives go? 
What about you Morty from Canada who I knew at eighteen? Who did you marry, or maybe not marry, were you successful in life,  in business? I chose another man at that time who I later divorced. My mom wanted you for me; maybe she was right.  How would I have turned out? What would my children have looked like? Would I  have lived in Canada rather than the states?  How did you age? So cute you were, are you still good to look at?  Did you take care of yourself?  Are you still living now at seventy plus?  Did you continue to be the gentleman you were or did life harden you?  The most mind boggling  of all is that I would have had different children or maybe none, depending on you and if you were able to give me a child.  Would I have been rich? Wow, aren't these the thoughts, ones I have never addressed until this evening... Carol Sue

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Have you tried a fast?

Have you  tried a fast? I made up my own...   A ton of carb's in the morning. The first day I had two baked potatoes, the second, a loaf of bread and the third,  whole wheat pancakes. No syrup, plain. Then I had fruit all day long, no bananas, mostly melon, papaya and sneaked in some pineapple , not good as it has too much sugar. So far I have lost about two pounds but it is my mind that I would like to mention. I am clear and peaceful. It is great to clean out your body. I realize I went another route filling up on carbs, but fruit and bread worked for me. I would like to mention it has to be good bread, whole wheat, preferably from the health food store. Any fast is good, and the longer we can stay on it, the thinner, the clearer and the less tired you will feel. It is all that food that clogs our systems.  When we can clear us out, we emerge differently. It is truly amazing. There are many fasts, all water and tea is the best; all fruit juices, I have heard of a yogurt and bread fast. My speech is slower and I feel marvelous with lots of patience. Soon I will have to begin to eat, but I hope not too much. This is a great euphoric feeling. Carol Sue Gershman

Are you a toastmaster?

My daughter  lives in Switzerland and suggested that I enroll in toastmasters, an international organization for public speaking.
Since I am hoping to do many book tours,  real soon, I decided I had better learn to stand up in front of people and say something interesting.
So I enrolled. The room was filled with people who want to learn this sport for every reason imaginable, business, entrepreneurship, and in my case to launch my book. At first it is frightening, as they call on each member to answer on a topic prepared by the initiator. It is much like the Miss American contest when the girls are called on to speak impromptu. The topic of the evening can be on any random subject. I had to speak spontaneously for up to three minutes,  before I was able to fall back into my chair and breathe. It is scary as one (meaning me) is not always versed on a subject. Last night I was asked how would I feel if I was a tennis champion,  and was at set point, with the world watching,  knowing that my serve would either make or break my championship. Well,  my answer was, that I simply don't know how they can do it. Imagine having millions of people waiting for my serve. Oh wow. but those athletes are involved with their sport  that have the ability to  tune out the world and focus. The highlight of the evening was my so called Ice Breaker speech telling something about my self. Guess what? I was a smash hit. My talk, entitled, how I became a writer, which I will post later, was well appreciated by the class. I was grateful for their comments and felt confident after last night that I could stand before a group and tell my story. See you at my book tour, or at Toastmasters. It is lots of fun. Carol Sue Gershman

Monday, June 9, 2008

The art of conversation

Did you ever notice how few people have the art of conversation?  The most popular people I know find it difficult to sit down and have a one on one talk.  They could have a million friends but can not focus on one person preferring to change the subject several times, answer a phone or leave. Some can better communicate on the telephone or in an e mail. Some converse by sending a forward thinking they are communicating. I don't mind a forward here and there but not to replace a conversation.  I for one cherish a good talk touching on lots of topics.  I prefer to talk to one person at a time. It could be funny, serious, or perhaps it can get heated. That fulfills me much more  than going to a party or another form of entertainment.  Some people can not look you in the eye when they speak. That shows that they are not honest, hiding something, yes maybe shy,  but probably more of the former. We are all so complicated. Certainly I am too, but meet me for dinner and if you are open, I guarantee you will get caught  in a good conversation.
Carol Sue Gershman  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oil My Bones With Yoga

 I don't  underestimate the power of yoga. it is intense and the older we get the more important it is to keep it going. My dad used to complain that he was stiff. My grandmothers legs hurt all the time. I know if they had known about yoga they would not have suffered as they did.

Yoga is medicine, it is oil for our bodies.  I guarantee it. Fifteen to thirty minutes a day is just fine. I myself think that gentle yoga is all we need.  It stands to reason , it is about stretching, lubricating the bones without the oil. There is little one can do that is wrong if you are gentle. Classes are marvelous, but if they are not accessible one only needs a mat, a tape or a television program. Once you have learned the postures you can do it on your own. It can be done anywhere, on the beach by a lake or a pool, in the back yard, anywhere is your home in any room is perfect.
If you have not done Yoga before, (or sometimes when I have not done it for awhile) I find I get stiff.

Back into it, it hurts at first, especially the squats,  but once that imaginary oil pours through my body in the form of a stretch, it is simply incredible.  Do Yoga to keep your bones well lubricated.

I know you will agree.

Carol Sue Gershman

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sleeping through Sex and the City

I am sure that I am the only one that slept through Sex and the City. 

I could not wait to see the movie and to insure that it would not be sold out when I got to the box office, I paid the additional fee of ordering a ticket in advance. I chose the 3:00 P. M. Show. 

With that I lied down to take a short rest and the rest of the story is history.

When I woke up a few days later (just kidding) I went to see it. Oddly enough my ticket was still there. I loved the movie. It was heart warming, loving and true. What we all go through for love. The script is  great showing what  girlfriends mean to one another. Their foursome were the best. They stood by each other and even when there was a feud, they refused to give up  because of a difference. They fought to save their cherished friendships. The love between Big and Carrie brought tears to my eyes. I thought the wedding scene was heartbreaking and I felt much empathy for her and then for him. He is who he is. Men really do get scared. Who doesn't love Samantha.  What a joy and riot she is. The way her eyes light up at the sight of a hunk... She is great. 

So no sleeping through Sex and the City. The only sleeping I would like to do is with one of those hot hunks. Carol Sue Gershman