Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Room

Living in one room as a single person is all that I require.
I am tired of condominium living with all of the rules, assessments, boards that never let the residents win, and oh those neighbors, the bad ones we get stuck with.
Yes, I have a choice to have my own home out on a farm but I am a city girl; besides I am not brave enough to live by myself out in the woods. No, not for scardy-cat me. I like urban city living.
So, here I am.
In a room
in a small residential hotel
and I love it....
All it is is a bedroom and bath. It is a large room with windows all around facing the street and a corner desk with a draw circling round the windows..
Hear this! It is a smoke free building, such a brilliant rarity. It is an elevator building for all of its 7 floors. There is maid service once a week, costs extra $15.00 plus tax. There is a 15in. flat screen TV which I can turn in either direction instead of my big heavy cumbersome TV.
In the lobby is a concierge to help on any of my needs, and while I do not frequent the food, a small SUBWAY has opened in the building and they do have great soup and pizza.
It has a lovely front porch with tables furnished from Subway and all of this is ONE HALF BLOCK FROM THE BEACH; close enough to come back to my room to go to the bathroom.
There is a drawback because there is no kitchen. Just a little refrigerator, so it would be hard to live here permanently , but for now I buy food, fruits, vegetables in package.I use plastic utensils, one plate, one take out cup for hot tea, one take out container for iced tea. And oh yes, no laundry cause I rinse my things out every night. The cost? No more than what my condo costs to live and nobody here to tell me what I can and can not do.
It is quiet, simple and I feel free. I adore my room. Come visit!
Carol Sue Gershman

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