Sunday, April 12, 2009

Clutz or Putz?

We do have accidents even though supposedly there are none; but I think most of us who break bones fall into 2 categories. Either we are a KLUTZ or a PUTZ!

Now take me who shattered my elbow by falling backwards on the floor. I had put Clorox on the floor to clean a spot and forgot to wipe it up. So was I a KLUTZ to slip and fall or was I a PUTZ not to have wiped it up? See what I mean?

Now take a friend trying out for the big triathlon. She was going at it so hard that she finally flipped over her bicycle handle bars and landed on her head and bruised her body spraining her wrist. So was she driving her bicycle like a KLUTZ or was she simply a PUTZ by driving her self so hard that she landed in a ditch?

My daughter went cross country skiing. She had been to an acupuncturist who had told her she was tired and run down a bit and to take it easy on her ski vacation. So instead of skiing she thought cross country would be easier on her; except she fell down and hurt her shoulder. So was she a KLUTZ or a PUTZ not to hear the signals given to her.

Someone else I know was gardening and fell down. He saw a bruise and put on a band aid on it and forgot about it. About a week later he began to feel feverish and this was right before his big 70 birthday. He went straight to the Dr. who immediately admitted him for a staff infection and there he was unable to meet his guests. Was he A KLUTZ to fall or a PUTZ not to have checked what was going on under his band aid?

Well you got the picture. If you have been a KLUTZ or a PUTZ or both, send me your story. Maybe it will become a book.
Carol Sue Gershman

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