Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hilarious/ lotto ticket

Oh sure, we all want to win the lottery; some more than others of course. Even those with money want more. Why not?

Now take this Swiss guy Henry living in Switzerland. He really wanted to win.. His gut told him, play, play, play; THIS IS THE ONE. It was a huge payout, so much so that the player had to fill out proper forms just to enter. The timing had to be accurate. Henry followed all of the rules without any problem because he knew; he knew without a doubt in no time he would be RICH..No more work, he and his beautiful wife would travel, buy homes and lead the good life. Oh yes, no doubt about this one, it belonged to him.

But Henry made one mistake. He booked a trip away from home the very night of the drawing. He forgot one rule. He had to be home to answer the phone in order to collect his prize.

His wife would not hear of cancelling the trip they had planned, as she was not quite as vulnerable as Henry. What to do? Only one thing; call mommy and daddy and ask for help. So there came his elderly mom and dad who had to drive 50 miles on snow bound Alp roads to get to Henry's apartment in time to answer the phone. They made it. There they sat, waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.... and waiting...

Henry bought a dream; who knows in the end it could have been more of a thrill to dream than to actually win. You know what they say, money does not buy happiness. And Henry and his wife are truly happy and as you can see were fortunate enough to already be on a trip; they already had won lifes lottery.

Carol Sue Gershman

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