Monday, October 27, 2008

My Neighbor

O. K. I will take the responsibility. I did something terrible in my life; I was mean and thoughtless, inconsiderate and arrogant and now I am getting it all back through MY neighbor. 

MY neighbor thinks he lives on a farm. He does not realize that there are people around him meaning me underneath of him. 
MY neighbor likes to smoke, so what if I breath in second hand smoke?
MY neighbor likes to lift weights in his apartment and plop them on the floor, so what If I am startled each time and my pictures fall off of the wall?
MY neighbor likes to re- construct his apartment. So what if I have to put up with drilling and banging for 6 months?
MY neighbor does not care that the saw dust is falling all over my patio. So what if I have to take a broom and hose and clean up the mess?
MY neighbor likes to open and close his sliding glass doors constantly. So what if I hear them rumble most of the day?
MY neighbor  comes out side to relax and talks on his cell phone in a loud pitch. So what if I have to hear his conversations?

MY neighbor has tried to blow his smoke in another direction; so I must love THY neighbor for trying.

Then again who knows what MY neighbor will do next? How about a yelping dog?
How about blasting music coming through the walls? How about late night parties? 

Oh Lord bless MY neighbor just as he is.

Then again, maybe I should move to the farm.

Then again, what about MY next neighbor?

Carol Sue Gershman

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