Sunday, April 27, 2008


Bent out of shape I was... The Yoga I cherished stopped interesting me for the last couple of months. I simply had lost the desire to do it; I felt o. k while walking or sitting around. Nevertheless, I chose to get back into it by booking in at the Sivinanda Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas. I found my body to be a whole different story. I was in excruciating pain for the first couple of days when I tried to get into a yoga position. I felt old. I told my roommate I had gotten old. On top of that the vegetarian food they served took its toll on my out of shape body. I literally suffered for the first 4 days thinking that I was past my prime. However, I had a lovely time meeting new people, the unbelievable turquoise water of the Caribbean soothing my body, the Hotel Atlantis next door, the new Starbucks next door all made up for my bent out of shape body. One night I ached so that my roommate ran to a friend in the night to get me Tylenol and Tiger Balm to sooth the pain.

And then on the fifth day, I arose and I was astounded to feel my new body. The pain and the toxins has passed and there I was light and free easily going into the yoga positions once again. My motto is I must never ever stop doing yoga. It really works, it is a must to keep our bodies aligned and in shape. I can understand if it is not yoga, Pilate or good stretches but young and old alike need to do keep up this practice. I know I will avoid arthritis, sciatica and all the rest if I discipline myself to keep up my practice. Good news. everyone... we can stay young and limber for ever, but we must work at it.

Since I have been home I arise at six or seven a. m. and go out in my garden to meditate and do breathing exercises. This is followed by 45- 60 min. of yoga. A hot bath or shower follows and my wonderful day has begun. Please try it, all you need is a mat, a tape or a tv yoga show....

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