Saturday, March 15, 2008


"I have great compassion for you," she said. "After all you must have had feelings for him." I could not believe those demeaning words coming out of this strangers mouth in the first minute we met. Did she think she was talking to a nerd? I wanted to respond, but did not, "Compassion for me? not at all, it is you who needs the compassion. I know him well."

He left me for her; a woman with little sex appeal,with no social grace, the opposite of charming. He made sure that she met me for his own selfish reasons. From what I can see she has taken my free spirited friend and is molding him. She dressed him exactly as she was, conservative, even at his own big birthday party. When we were an item, he was flamboyant, exciting, free spirited, fun loving. She probably hopes he will become her prissy self. I saw no spark in him; he was quiet and looked lonely. He was even too frightened to give me a hug when I walked in the door and then avoided me all evening; I guess he knew she would be hawking. She proceeded to tell me about her self and their life in all of two minutes, how close they are, the things they are doing together. Who asked her? I wonder if he feels the same towards her and if their life is as big as she makes it out to be. I did not respect that woman. I could see how she tried to manipulate me by flattering my looks, all the time letting me know, "You poor dear, he is all mine now, back off." She could never make me back off unless if I wanted to. Just two weeks before, he wanted us to get together again.

The point of the story is this. Always be kind to the other woman. I made my mistake many years ago by acting nasty to a woman my boyfriend liked. He found it appalling and went with her based on my actions.

This woman has her own way of being nasty or better yet mean; it was unnecessary for her to tell me her story. How utterly annoying she was. I wish her well; she has a big challenge, but if I were him, I would run for my life and her clutches.

Carol Sue Gershman

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