Monday, November 16, 2009

All about you. The working Woman Part 3

So you are the one who deserves the real applause. Imagine, you have awakened the kids, cooked breakfast, tried to do a little straightening in the house or at least scheduled the plumber, you had to get yourself dressed, say goodbye to your husband, who was racing out of the house and also needed some help, and maybe even had to run a car pool. Oh my goodness!

Now with two hours already packed in with chores you are finally on your way to work. Not only did you have a job this morning in your home, a job with your kids, but now you have to go to a money paying job with all of the pressures that will be put upon you today.

Don't let me sound as if this is terrible, it is not, it is admirable. Women are able to accomplish so many things and all at the same time.

It is a marvel that we keep it all together. And then there is the job of keeping your husband and your relationship rewarding and fulfilling. With some hope you have a good working relationship where you are sharing and discovering newness each day, at least each week. I had to laugh today at Sarah Palin on Oprah, when our brilliant Oprah asked here how she thought she would take care of five kids, run her life and run the country had she been elected. Well Sarah, did not think it was any big deal, as a matter of fact, I don't think Sarah even thought about it. She would figure it out as she went along. She responded there are tons of aunts and uncles and cousins in Alaska, we all would have helped one another. Well maybe so, but the White House is in Washington Sarah, and most of us have a job running our lives and kids never mind running the U. S.

So with all of the pressures upon you, the most important thing is to keep yourself looking good. Vanity is wonderful! Never thing that it is not. Please do not get fat (over weight) it deprives you of the energy you need. Please exercise, if you don't that too will lower your energy level. But with the right diet, exercise and right hair style accomplishment just comes.
Keep up the good work! (and I mean work)

Carol Sue Gershman

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