Saturday, February 14, 2009

The new boyfriend

The new boyfriend is quite nice, handsome and kind. But after a fast start, he has slowed way down. So what does it mean?
Is it his pattern, style?
He travels allot so there is little time and that is good for me cause I don't have that much time either. So all was well until today.
VALENTINES DAY.... First, I had to ask HIM what he was doing. I don't care much about those things as sometimes guys can drag things out, but still, it would have been more romantic the other way around.
He wrote back that a group? of friends? was coming to town and he was obligated. Oh darlin, ain't I presentable enough to come along?
Is he obligated to me? no way; our only obligation so far is to have a good time together.
But he was nice to me or else, he is a jewish guilt guy in disguise, as he wrote that he was sorry, but still tied up for the evening. I hope he meant it literally as that could have been MORE fun.
So who is he? should we talk? Should we bother to be anything other than friends?
What is your opinion?
Carol Sue Gershman

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