Saturday, February 21, 2009


hi everybody! I'm Zach, Carol Sue's grandson. she's taking me on a cruise in the Caribbean for 7 days as a present for my bar mitzvah. (for bar mitzvah see previous posts). I'm VERY excited. we leave for the boat in 2 hours! my grandmother is also very excited to give her book talk on the boat. i don't know the exact time or date that her talk is going to be on but i think that she does. we're hanging out in her apartment and she's on the phone. this is pretty much my first time blogging so forgive me if i don't know what to write about from here on out. i explained to my grandmother everything about the cruise ship today. o i almost forgot! i get my own room on the boat! my grandmother is a clean freak. she says BRUSH YOUR TEETH EVERY MORNING BEFORE YOU SEE ME! ha ha. we just finished filling out our check in forms for the boat. it would have been easier to check in online LAST NIGHT, but some people(carol sue) felt that they had to go to bed at 9:00 so i couldn't get all the info needed to check in. now we have to wait in this HUGE line before we get on the boat. well I'm gonna end this post now. bye everyone! comment please.

-Zach Gershman

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The new boyfriend

The new boyfriend is quite nice, handsome and kind. But after a fast start, he has slowed way down. So what does it mean?
Is it his pattern, style?
He travels allot so there is little time and that is good for me cause I don't have that much time either. So all was well until today.
VALENTINES DAY.... First, I had to ask HIM what he was doing. I don't care much about those things as sometimes guys can drag things out, but still, it would have been more romantic the other way around.
He wrote back that a group? of friends? was coming to town and he was obligated. Oh darlin, ain't I presentable enough to come along?
Is he obligated to me? no way; our only obligation so far is to have a good time together.
But he was nice to me or else, he is a jewish guilt guy in disguise, as he wrote that he was sorry, but still tied up for the evening. I hope he meant it literally as that could have been MORE fun.
So who is he? should we talk? Should we bother to be anything other than friends?
What is your opinion?
Carol Sue Gershman

The Ex Boyfriend

Today my ex boy friend sent me a e-mail Valentine. I was happy to see his name on the screen and happily opened it. We all like to be remembered and or validated.

What did he send to me?
A mass e mail to 10 of us ladies telling us to have a sexy Valentine and love the 1-2-3 we are with.

Now, how un-classy is that? Can you imagine? Here was my romantic, ever so cool, ex- lover showing absolutely no class. He showed no feeling or compassion to us 10 who he thinks he was kind enough to remember. By the way my name came first. Does that have special meaning?

They say something is better than nothing, but in this case nothing would have been better than something. At least I still would have had a good memory of my hot guy.

By the way, I feel no remorse, I feel more like "Ich" Is this who I was crazy about? Shame on him. I thought he was a 'lover"

Now any man that would do that would have to be a jerk. Even in 4th grade we gave each kid a card....

P. S. And he ain't no kid!

Carol Sue Gershman

Thursday, February 12, 2009

MY Ex-Girlfriends

So ladies can we trust our girlfriends?

How can we trust a girlfriend not to come on to your man?

In my life there have been four instances with another woman. First let me explain that I am naive. I never wanted any body Else's anything or anyone. I think the world works that way for every body else. Oh, not true.

The first girlfriend was Loretta who I introduced him to my Gerhardt. Oh, how I adored him, so much so that I introduced him to her because I was so proud of him. Well, Loretta liked him too, and there they were in her apt. caught as I peered through the window with horror. Ending: I dumped Loretta but kept my Gerhardt.

Next came Gertie who liked my husband Norman. She had nothing in the looks dept. and she knew it. She used her attentive charm to get him and oddly enough she did... He began to compare me to her, saying why aren't I more like her? We divorced, not completely because of her, but in some ways yes. Then he found out what a demon she was, but not for years and years later. Shame of you Gertie even though you are gone now. Ending: Norman my ex husband and I are dear friends to this day. But had he realized back then who was the important one, he might not have driven me away.

The next one was Opal. I introduced her to my boy friend Richard and she began to flirt from the moment she laid eyes on him. Then she met him again and asked for his e mail. I don't think, and not because I am not naive, that it happened between them, but she sure would have loved it. Ending: She and I remained friends till another incident, not having to do with him, tore me gladly away. He and I survived for quite some time and then nothing to do with her, it ended.

And now this week I introduced my girlfriend, no name, to a new guy of mine and there she was at the table feeding him his food, sipping wine from his glass and kissing him good bye on the side of his mouth... Yea, it happened.
ENDING: She felt terrible, said it would never happen again. Explained that she did not want the food or wine that they had ordered to go to waste and was more of a friendly gesture than anything.
I am happy cause I love her...and I believe her too.

Carol Sue Gershman

Book talk and signing

It was a big day here in Miami Beach, standing room only for my debut book talk and signing at our local Books and Books.
I served cupcakes and Champagne and loved watching everyone sitting in their chairs and or braced against a book shelf licking their cup cakes and listening.

How did I learn to have so much to say?
How did I learn to be amusing?
How did I learn to be inspiring?
How did I learn to light up a room?

' We all have so much dormant talent lying within that is unrecognized by our own self. We MUST go deep inside of ourselves and pull it out'

I never knew I could stand up and speak without trembling with fear and making a fool out of myself. A fear since I was a young school girl. Who would dare to raise my hand?

How did I know that that would not be the case till I tried it.

Lessons and lessons and more lessons.

Go ahead, go deeply inside of yourself and pull it out, what ever it is, what ever talents that you have that are just lying there dead and dormant. THEY ARE THERE.............THEY ARE THERE................Hurry up life goes quickly.....
Carol Sue Gershman