Monday, December 8, 2008

woop e doo

The word just came to me because I feel happy. I rented my apt. for two weeks and took off on a free vacation. first stop N. Y. C. where life is brilliantly exciting! I walked out of my building and there was life streaming past me. I did not have to go looking for it. My area is the LIncoln Center area and for me it is the best of N. Y. It has all of the excitement I need and yet there is the peace and sanity of the park and wider, more open streets than I find down town. I saw South Pacific. i know everyone raved and the music is brilliant but there was no comparison to the passion and intensity I felt when I saw Phantom of the Opera the next night. Yes, I saw it 20 years ago, but maybe I was different because back then, I do not remember shaking and teary eyed. It is amazing. I got $27.00 seats all the way back up in the rear balcony but there we could see the stage effects coming right towards us, that chandelier, that phantom, the music; rave, rave, rave.
Then there was the lavish Thanksgiving dinner at my sisters, working for my daughter at the Union Square Xmas booth with a surprise visit that knocked me off of my feet from Xavier, you know him from my book. Wow. I sure do adore that man!
But thats not all; when I returned back to South Beach I stayed in a hotel for 3 nights and ran all over the place, Art Basiling.
Yes, it is all they said it was, parties and art tents all over South Beach and Miami Design District. Did a naughty by crashing a big party. Why not? Did not even eat or drink. Simply was not hungry.
Carol Sue Gershman

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