Saturday, December 11, 2010

Runaway Jewish Ladies from Katz's Delicatessen/nyc

Walked into Katz's (a rare treat) with my friend. We were handed 2 pink slips, one for her and one for me. The doorman said, '"Bring them back when you leave.'
We indulged in pea soup, hot pastrami, pickles, happy to taste the good food, enjoying our treat.
The waiter wrote the bill on one of the pink slips. We went to the register and paid.
The doorman said, "I am missing a pink slip." I responded, I am sorry, I don't have it, somehow it got lost, but we did pay."
"I am sorry, he said, you cannot leave without giving me the other pink slip."
I said, "What are you talking about as I tried to exit." If you touch me I will consider it an assault and will call the police; go find your pink ticket."
You listen to me, It is no longer on the table, I do not have it and you are making us late for the movie."
"No ticket, no exit."
"Call the manager, I said."
We waited patiently and angrily, standing in our fur coats and hats, for her to wobble over, taking her time as our clock was ticking to make the film, we were pressed for time.
"Sorry ladies, you need your ticket, where were you sitting, who was your waiter?"
Exasperated, I replied it is no longer Is on the table or in our possession."
"Stand here and I will try to find it, as she wobbled away from us."
"We are going to miss our movie."
As the blocking doorman leaned over to talk to someone, I saw our exit. I grabbed my friend and said, "RUN."
There we were escaping down Houston Street, running down the street, looking over our shoulder to see if we were being captured, huffing and puffing, dashing into the subway and on to the train, leaving no trail behind and just in time for the movie.

Carol Sue Gershman

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