• Close your eyes and simply imagine! Go deep into
your imagination and keep a pencil and paper
nearby. Try not to push any thoughts out of your
mind. You may imagine a long road in front of you
and on either side, two side roads. The side road on
the left is where you can put whatever or whomever
you no longer care to have in you life. On the road
to the right, put new projects or people. Now pay
attention to the road straight ahead. Does the road
look wide and long or is there no road at all?
When I do this exercise, if I see a shorter road,
I quickly start to think about something new to
expand the road. I want to always have a long straight
road ahead of me with just a few curves to keep it
interesting. Imagine! Go deep into your imagination
and keep a pencil and paper nearby. Try not to push
any thoughts out of your mind. When you open
your eyes, look over your list and realize what came
into your mind. Are you surprised at your thoughts?
Now imagine doing everything on that list.
Your age is a valuable commodity. You have years
of wisdom because of your age, wisdom for yourself
and to teach others. Let your age work for you not
against you. If there is something you have kept
yourself from doing or placed on the back burner,
did it come when you closed your eyes and went
into your imagination?
As you can see you are only limited by your imagination
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