Excerpts based on book "Here Comes Amazing You"
1. Have you ever told yourself, “If it was only ten
years ago, two years ago, I would have done this
or that, but now it is too late.” Can you imagine
a new project, a diet, an exercise, a trip, falling
in love, something you never thought could be
possible happen to you now, without thinking
too much time has passed on?
2. Could it be your lack of imagination that has
held you back from being the full and vibrant
3. Does it seem impossible to think that anything
diff erent could happen in your life as you know it?
4. Did you enjoy thinking about the possibilities
ahead of you?
If any of the above hits home, go now into your imagination and get some answers or before you go to bed focus on something you would love to do and let your dreams guide you; no kidding they will, you just have to remember them!
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