Norman turned out to be my best friend. He is a particularly good ex-husband and I am a particularly good ex-wife. We are family and he is still the head of our family even though we are divorced and apart for almost 30 years. He is as well a great Dad.
Now he has become a famous person. How? He sought out the people of Albania; Muslims who saved the Jews during the war.
Nobody knew of these people untll Norman arrived and began interviewing and photographic. Until then and all of these years it was a well kept secret. Actually the Albanians did not so much as consider that they were keeping secrets. It was something they never thought enough to mention. They were doing what they wanted to do and that was to save the Jews of their country.
The holocast museum in Israel honored Normans work with a huge exhibition; next came the UN and now this unforgettable photographic journey is going world wide.
To learn more visit
carol sue gershman
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