The minute I heard that my son and his family were going to leave their beach house in Montauk, N. Y. for 3 days, I immediately jumped on the band wagon and asked to take it over. I had a plan. I wanted to invite my girlfriends to come and hang out with me. Why? Because they are great ladies and the added bonus is that they all love to play Mah Jongg. Just like me! My family said sure, take it over! On a moments notice Sarah dropped everything and flew all the way from Colorado, would you believe,? Lynnia threw away her return plane ticket changing the return date. My sister Judy could not wait to pick the girls up in NYC in her Party Artistry Van.
We were excited to see one another as Judy pulled up to Roger's beach house surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on all three sides. They went wild about the house; who would not? It is on two glorious levels all facing the sea. Each of us had our own rooms but Lynnia and Sarah preferred giggling and talking all night so decided to share the master suite. I prepared an advanced Thanksgiving dinner, roasting a turkey, yum, sweet potatoes, string beans and relish. I bought the most awesome chocolate cookies, each one the size of a huge piece of cake for dessert. No sooner did we finish dinner, we were at the table playing Mah Jongg.
The next morning Lynnia who dresses to the nines preferred staying in her pj's relaxing, and in her own words said, "This is the most relaxed I have been in 10 years."
Sarah, beautiful woke up early to fix her self up dressed to perfection in her work out clothes, ready for a walk. Sister Judy always adorable was just herself.. Me? who cared? no makeup, hair strangling and dressed in Capri tights and a tee, non disrupt. Later the girls yelled; "Put on makeup you look ten years younger when you put some makeup on." Oh well, who really cares girls? I am still an eye stopper when I get dressed up. No?
The house has a patio with lounges and a built in fire pit; there is an enormous grass area with lounge furniture and umbrellas with at least 80 step leading down to the beautiful beach. But us ladies liked staying indoors, you know perfect air temperature, no sun on our precious protected faces, no chill up our spine, and heaven forbid any form of wind.
We hung out on the coach with the mah jongg table at arms length, set up to play at any given moment. It is a fascinating game as you can think of nothing else while you play. We gambled away at what we consider high enough stakes. We all love to win and cheer ourselves when we do; calling out the amount owed, with our hands out, making sure we are paid on the spot. Next to us we keep little dishes of our winnings and loosings.
We took breaks piling onto the huge couch placed in the middle of the room telling each other life stories. Lynnia talked about the beautiful angels who came to her rescue many times in her life; one climbing Ares rock in Australia, another time on the streets of Singapore. It made for good listening and many questions. Judy talked about her angel who was not an angel, her husband who passed on, and for sure Ira may he rest in peace, always made a good story...Sarah a great listener, asked lots of questions to keep it going and I had already spilled the beans in my memoir, so just took it all in for a change.
In between we ate, me sneaking the cookies at any given chance. At night we transformed ourselves into beauties and went out for dinner. Years ago we would hit the club or music scene. Now we piled into the van, Judy chauffeuring us round town, me shouting out turn here and turn there. We adored our water side table at Gosmans landmark restaurant, eating lobster and having fun and ice reams cones at John's famous for dessert. No sleep until we played rounds of mah jongg into the night. The days went quickly; we bonded and enjoyed each other. On the last morning we waited for the king of the house, Roger, to return. I wanted to show him off to my friends as he is quite cute. In he came looking adorable having flown in on the red eye and immediately went to hang up the drape I had knocked to the floor.
We said our farewells after breakfast; Both Judy and I were caught in bumper to bumper traffic. Judy dropped Lynnia off at the airport, I dropped Sarah off at the Jitney to the airport and I went home to sleep.
We love our girlfriends!
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