Monday, August 10, 2009

Book Signings in the Hamptons

There is no question that writing a book opens doors in new directions! Promoting the book is what it is all about! Now solely promoting, and with more than 4000 new miles on my yellow mustang here I am in the Hampton's and part of a new world.
Book signing event in East Hampton
Exciting day for 120 authors in East Hampton, me with Alec Baldwin, Barbara Walters and other celebs signing our books. An attendance of perhaps 500 people graced the lawn under the huge white tent. Wine, brie, sushi, shrimp were served as people strolled to the author's tables buying books. There were wonderful after parties hosted in private spectacular homes like Diane and Allan Lieberman hosting Candice Bushnell. That was the one I attended!
Life is great for me in Sag Harbor, where I have taken up residence for awhile. How I love the Hamptons!

'The top was down and we were on our way to Montauk to visit my son Roger and his gorgeous family. I had particularly loved the Hampton's which was filled with sublime memories. As soon as I would leave the city a feeling of peace and happiness came over me.'

Book signing Party in Quogue
Last week I was the honored guest at the charming and delightful home of Marjorie and Ken Cohen, after my book presentation at library. The large table was filled with wonderful foods and oh, those cookies! (Might add that this weeks honored guest is Michael J. Fox.) The room was filled with people who came to hear me speak and to support their exquisite library. It was a special day for me as my son and family, Roger and Daria, Alex, sister Judy, and niece and nephew Tracy and Marty graced me with their presence..................FROM MY MEMOIR, PAGE 139

'"I took Xavier on a quick tour of South Hampton showing him the magnificent mansions, one after another on the sea. I showed him the beach that I had loved and through the towns business center finally reaching the Driver's Seat restaurant in the center of town. It was there that I became silent, going back into my thoughts and remembering my incredible love affair with Gerhardt.'

contact me at to order signed copy

Price: $14.95 includes shipping

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