Friday, May 9, 2008

married men, single women

I met a man separated from his wife. By our next date he decided to go back to his wife. (nothing to do with me, I hope.) I was all for it. I believe in marriage. I believe in him trying, so rather than enticing this very sexy interesting charismatic man who possesses great humor, I tried to help him in his marriage. Do I really want to be sneaking around corners at this point of my life, bucking myself up against another woman, I don't think so. He said his wife does not cook. I told him to cook. I told him how to entice her, set the table with the finest, light a candle and ring a dinner bell. Before I knew it he was cooking for his entire family. How great when a man is vulnerable enough to listen to a woman. Is that not want we women want? I like him and I would much prefer a friendship with him rather than to be the other woman . I would like to see him give himself time. Maybe they have outgrown each other; then again maybe they can pick up the pieces and go on. They have history. Bravo you married men who stay with your wives and don't cheat and do try. Bravo you single women who do not wow the man away from his wife. Integrity is everything, I believe. Carol Sue Gershman

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